Saturday, June 2, 2012

Se spune ca...

 Ora lui Jovanotti ma sfasie...

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Deschiderea femeii spre Divin

Ea: "Cand intru in Biserica, imi vine imediat sa plang. Ma copleseste energia tuturor oamenilor care-si cauta pacatele iertate, suferintele alinate."

El: "Cand intru in Biserica mie-mi vine s-o daram."

Unde mai e puntea?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Story of O

"Such is the understanding of sexuality - as something beyond good and evil, beyond love, beyond sanity, as a resource for ordeal and for breaking through the limits of consciousness- that informs the French literary canon that I have been discussing.
Story of O, with its project for completely transcending personality, entirely presumes this dark and complex vision of sexuality so far removed from the hopeful view sponsored by American Freudianism and liberal culture. The woman who is given no other name than O progresses simultaneously toward her own extinction as a human being and her fulfillment as a sexual being."

- Susan Sontag, 1967

Monday, September 12, 2011

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Poemul meu favorit

Ce ai?
Cand te privesc
Nu aflu in tine decat doi ochi
Asemenea tuturor ochilor
Si o gura
Pieduta printre miile de buze
Pe care le-am sarutat,
Un trup
Aidoma tuturor trupurilor
Pe care le-am cunoscut
Dar care nu mi-au lasat
Nici o amintire.

Pablo Neruda