Friday, October 9, 2009

Love letter

To Josephine, 1796

I have not spent a day without loving you; I have not spent a night without embracing you; I have not so much as drunk one cup of tea without cursing the pride and ambition which force me to remain apart from the moving spirit of my life. In the midst of my duties, whether I am at the head of my army or inspecting the camps, my beloved Josephine stands alone in my heart, occupies my mind, fills my thoughts. If I am moving away from you with the speed of the Rhone torrent, it is only that I may see you again more quickly. If I rise to work in the middle of the night it is because this may hasten by a matter of days the arrival of my sweet love...


Mai scriu barbatii astfel?...


Night Elf said...

Cu siguranta nu mai scriem, dar unii inca mai simtim astfel :)

Ava said...

De ce nu?:)
Daca Napoleon a lasat totusi garda jos aratandu-si barbat puternic, iata ca se poate:)