Saptamana asta a fost un fel de slow moving train crash.
Luni s-a terminat distractia cand sefei noastre competente i s-au dat papucii cu o explicatie meschina dar bine impachetata.
Lectia nr. 1: Cand vrei sa deprimi un grup, ii tai capul.
Lectia nr. 2: Nobody cares. Pe usa directorului scrie : "Life is hard so suck it up". Ok boss. Dar macar asa, pentru a salva aparentele, ai putea slabi vreo 10 kg numai din gusulica, sa nu dai impresia ca infloresti sugandu-ne sangele.
Marti mi-am adus aminte de ce nu e bine sa calatoresti, nici macar cu metroul. S-ar putea sa fie o defectiune tehnica majora si sa te calce plebea in picioare.
Marti as fi vrut mai mult decat oricand sa fiu in Romania, sa pot intra in prima Biserica la un colt de strada, sa ingenunchez, sa ma rog, sa plang, sa ma curat, sa ma eliberez, sa-mi alin starea de deprimare si vulnerabilitate. Tot ce am putut face a fost sa imi tin icoana in suflet.
Miercuri am fost la concert euro chic - Robyn - care s-a adeverit de fapt a fi gay parade. Din pacate, nivelul meu stratosferic de toleranta s-a prabusit cu un BOOM in combinatia alcool + frecat de straini + coeficient inalt de sleaziness.
Joi am fost aproape sa-mi incalc regula de aur - never cry at work. Am dat nas in nas cu tirania corporatista cand inca mai speram in naivitatea mea eterna. Alas, suferinta colectiva e o alinare.
Epistola se incheie cu ziua de azi, vineri, cand ne-am transportat la un hotel bar (I love hotel bars), i-am injurat din nou pe toti, ne-am amagit ca "it always gets worse before it gets better" si "don't get mad, get even", am absorbit eroic un pahar de vin si pana la urma am decis ca tot raul spre bine.
Vineri trebuie inscris in calendar cu o steluta pentru cel mai surprinzator si frumos compliment primit.
"I'm so stressed out, I think I'm gonna have a breakdown. But I don't cry in public at work. It makes people feel uncomfortable. I do it in private.
Oh is that what "private appointment" is marked for in your calendar?
Yes, exactly. It's for crying."
"They want me to become an optimal individual.
Ha-ha-ha. Optimal? So what are you now? Suboptimal?
Yes, probably suboptimal."
"I can't believe they gave us this guy to work with.
Well, in some way I prefer him. With the one before, we would tell her what we needed and she would just nod and say yes and then we'd get the product two months late. At least with him, he'll tell you straight up your question is stupid but he'll get work done.
Ok, let's try to make it work with him.
Let's try to pretend we mean what we say. No! I mean, let's mean what we say. Let's drink our own kool aid. Ha-ha-ha.
What's that - kool aid?
As in, let's buy our own BS.
Oh my God I can't believe how acid you've become in such a short time.
Indeed I have."
Foarte inspirat...scris din pasiune, din stomac.
da, din nervi :)
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